Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Fourth Dimension... of course, time. And I won't have a lot of it this year. But here's my new goal for this blog: to put up at least one new post per week, be it one song that catches my interest, or an entire album. And of course I'll still blog about shows and concerts I attend, and leave links to videos you can check out on YouTube. I'll try my darndest to fill your ears with new music! I'm listening to this little tune right now, and it's mellow as mellow gets. Perfect for my early bedtime tonight; love.

Joshua Radin - Star Mile

Sweet dreams, kiddos :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fix You Up

I am sooo lacking on the blog front lately. Too much to do for school! Over the past few weeks I haven't exactly had the time to scope out new tunage and rave about said new tunage. But this song has been stuck in my head for the past week. Nothing "underground" or "edgy" today, but is anyone else surprised by Pearl Jam's new sound? Thoughts please!

"Ayyy yeah yeah yeeeeah..."

Pearl Jam - The Fixer

Oh yeah, and I heard this on the edge last week, and surprisingly I like it? The only other Mastodon song I've taken the time to listen to is the one from the intro to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie (ha). It's different (for me), I like it.

Mastodon - Divinations

Thursday, August 13, 2009

No Big Deal, Just Partying With the Band

Seeing Tokyo Police Club on Saturday, with my friend's cousin's band Ruby Coast. I don't have alot of time to talk, so let's cut to the chase! Gonna be a sweet show, I get to party with the bands, get super wasted, and amazingness will ensue. So check out Ruby Coast's EP, as seen down below. Do it now!

1. More Than Televsion
2. Laugh At Alice
3. Neighbourhood
4. Brittle Bones
5. Tiger
6. Town to Province

Myspace: Ruby Coast

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Wilderness of Manitoba

This band really caught my attention because of their simplistic approach, resulting in beautiful music. The very first song they played featured a track of a birdsong in the background, followed by acoustic guitar (Bluebirds). Great music for when you just want to chill out, or you need help falling asleep. The band was also super cool, and told everyone to "pay what you can" for their debut EP. Also cool, they put the amount of EPs on the back i.e. they made 75, and I got #66 of this limited edition beauty. Coolie. Anyway, here it is, Hymns of Love and Spirits.

*Note: all other songs were removed on request from the artist, but please check out the following two tracks & visit their Myspace to hear more!

1. Bluebirds
5. Evening

Myspace: The Wilderness of Manitoba

The Rural Alberta Advantage

*phew* longtime no see. But I went to a show at the Horseshoe on Queen this past Friday, & it was gooood. Three bands played, and The Rural Alberta Advantage were the headliners. I'm a newer fan of this band, but I lovelovelove them. Their CD is just great so DUH, I'm going to share it with you! The other two bands that played were Hooded Fang, and a new indie band by the name of The Wilderness of Manitoba (shall upload their CD too in a separate post). Hooded Fang was okay, but they sounded too much like every other indie band I've heard, & they didn't really do anything to grab my attention. Anyshoes, without further ado, I give you Hometowns by The RAA.

1. The Ballad of the RAA
2. Rush Apart
3. The Dethbridge in Lethbridge
4. Don't Haunt This Place
5. The Deadroads
6. Drain the Blood
7. Luciana
8. Frank, AB
9. The Air
10. Sleep All Day
11. Four Night Rider
12. Edmonton
13. In the Summertime

Myspace: The RAA